
===============================================================================, a tactical script coded in Python3
Why this script? -
Admin: © 2019-2020, by M. Lutz (, no warranties provided.

For all HTML pages in a website's folder tree, add a line to Google Analytics 
JavaScript code to anonymize IP addresses, iff this line has not already 
been added by static template expansion (e.g., by genhtml) or manual edits.
See __main__ logic at the end of this file for command-line usage or
the console screenshot at

This can be used as a one-time update for all the web pages in a site, and 
rerun by build scripts to catch new files.  In the host site's case, it was
used to temporarily convert code in oddballs that are edited manually outside
the website tree and copied in (e.g., program docs and Apache auto-index text) 
or are otherwise outside the scope of template expansion, until these outliers
can be manually updated and propagated to the site folder.  It:

- Handles mixed Unicode encodings by using bytes-mode files and ASCII-only text
- Handles mixed eoln (end-of-line) sequences by inspecting file content
- Converts code in both HTML files and .htaccess files' IndexHeadInsert text
- Assumes a specific code/line structure - adapt for your files as needed

  Edit the code settings below to tailor this script for your site as needed.
  You may also need to expand the "isHtml" test below to check/fix additional 
  file types.  At this site, just one other file was harboring the analytics 
  code and required a manual edit - a ".txt" HTML template used by the file-viewer script.  Your site's mileage may naturally vary.

  This script's use of bytes-mode files and ASCII-text matching assumes that
  all the HTML-related files in your site's tree use Unicode encodings that 
  store ASCII text with one ASCII byte per character.  This scheme works for 
  mixes that include UTF-8, Latin-1, CP-1252, and others, but will fail to find
  matches in any UTF-16 or UTF-32 files lurking in your tree (their ASCII text
  is not simple bytes).  If the latter applies, you may need to instead use
  text-mode files and try multiple Unicode encodings in turn until one succeeds.
  See this site's genhtml and showcode programs for examples of this approach.
  Luckily, UTF-16 and its multibyte ilk are rarely used for web content today.

import os
nhtml = nsans = nfixed = 0   # global counters

# Edit the following uppercase settings for your site's files

Sitedir = '/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Websites/UNION'       # Catalina path  [Apr-2020]
Copymodtimes = True                                 # keep modtimes? [Apr-2020]

Sendcmd = b"ga('send', 'pageview');"                # insert set before this
Anoncmd = b"ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);"

Htmlfiledoc = b'   // AUTO INSERTED Jun-2019'
Htaccessdoc = b'   /* AUTO INSERTED Jun-2019 */'    # where eolns stripped

Addline = b'  ' + Anoncmd + Htmlfiledoc             # fixed for htaccess later

# Edit the following if your site's filenames or needs differ

isHtml     = lambda filename: filename.lower().endswith(('.html', '.htm'))
isHtaccess = lambda filename: filename.lower() == '.htaccess'

def convert(path, isHtaccess, nofileupdates=True):
    Convert a single file, adding a JavaScript "set" line before "send".

    Auto-inserts work, but some files are copied from originals in Code/ 
    and still need to be manually patched there too.  Per ahead, this is 
    bytes-based (to avoid encoding guesses), and checks the file to see 
    which eoln to use on the added line (to retain the file's eoln formatting).

    Special case: adds a trailing '\' in Apache .htaccess IndexHeadInsert text.
    For .htaccess, also replaces '//' comment in added line with '/* */' form:
    a '//' line comment won't work, because Apache strips eolns in the inserted
    text - all lines after the '//' would be ignored by JavaScript as comment.

    New [Apr-2020]: Copymodtimes=True retains a changed file's prior modtime,
    so it won't register as a difference in incremental backups; use this for
    site publishing scripts that rerun files though this script on each build,
    else this script's change can mask the status of files' actual content.
    global nfixed
    lines = open(path, 'rb').readlines()

    # use the same elon as file
    beoln = b'\r\n' if any(b'\r\n' in x for x in lines) else b'\n'

    # add trailing slash in .htaccess
    addline = (Addline + b' \\' if isHtaccess else Addline) + beoln

    # change comment forms for code in .htaccess insert
    if isHtaccess: addline = addline.replace(Htmlfiledoc, Htaccessdoc)

    for ix in range(len(lines)):
        if lines[ix].lstrip().startswith(Sendcmd):

             lines.insert(ix, addline)             # add set before send
             print('\t' + '-'*40, end='\n\t')
             print(b''.join(lines[ix-1:ix+2]))     # preview the update
             print('\t' + '-'*40)

             if nofileupdates: 
                 nfixed += 1
                 if Copymodtimes:
                     prevtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
                 file = open(path, 'wb')
                 file.writelines(lines)            # update the file
                 if Copymodtimes:
                     os.utime(path, (prevtime, prevtime))
        print('****NOT AUTO CONVERTED:', path)     # matching differed

def findAndConvert(listfilesonly=False, nofileupdates=True):
    Find HTML files without a JavaScript "set" line, and pass on to convert().

    This now uses bytes-mode files to avoid Unicode encodings altogether.  This
    scheme works here because text matching is ASCII only.  By contrast, genhtml 
    tags matched may be any text (including non-ASCII), and showcode's text reply
    requires an encoding type for proper display in web browsers.  Bytes mode 
    here sidesteps the issue of guessing encodings in a mixed-encoding tree.
    Caveat: bytes mode also assumes all HTML files use encodings that store ASCII
    text as simple bytes; they do at this site, but see UNICODE CAUTION above.  

    About eolns: naively adding a '\n' on Unix would result in mixed '\r\n' and 
    '\n' eolns in files created in Windows, because bytes files do not map eolns 
    to/from '\n'.  Addressed by a file precheck to determine which to use (and 
    assume the file's eolns are uniform); this seems better than text mode, which 
    would map all eolns read and written to Unix's '\n', thereby dropping any 
    Windows eolns in the (few) files that have them.
    Prior (abandoned) text-mode notes: the latin1 encoding works as a utf8 fallback
    (instead of cp1252) because of "passthrough": if text is both loaded and saved 
    as latin1, any cp1252 bytes are retained intact because they are loaded and 
    saved as their raw byte values by the latin1 decoder (see genhtml, showcode).
    global nhtml, nsans

    for (dir, subs, files) in os.walk(Sitedir):
        for file in files:
            if isHtml(file) or isHtaccess(file):
                nhtml += 1
                path = os.path.join(dir, file)

                byts = open(path, 'rb').read()
                if (Sendcmd in byts) and (Anoncmd not in byts): 
                    nsans += 1
                    if not listfilesonly: 
                        convert(path, isHtaccess(file), nofileupdates)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # When run as a script:
    # python3 1 1 => list unconverted files only
    # python3 0 1 => list unconverted files and preview changes only
    # python3 0 0 => list both and apply updates to unconverted files
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        listfilesonly, nofileupdates = (int(x) for x in sys.argv[1:])   # 2 optional args
        listfilesonly, nofileupdates = False, True   # show filenames + preview changes

    findAndConvert(listfilesonly, nofileupdates)

    print('DONE: %d html-related files read, %d files unconverted, %d files converted' 
                   % (nhtml, nsans, nfixed))

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