File: mergeall-products/unzipped/docetc/miscnotes/demo-3.0-symlinks-unix.txt

Demo Unix symlinks on Mac OS X: py2app Mac app bundles are full of them.
Handling symlinks properly requires algorithmic changes:  
  -mergeall: copy, don't follow (else multiple copies of linked data!)
  -cpall:    ditto for items nested in a tree being copied as a whole
This assumes links are relative, not absolute (else not transportable).
See demo-3.0-windows-symlinks.txt for a demo of the same behavior on Windows.

# The test folder

/.../$ ls -l 
total 16
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff   23 Jan 23 20:36 Python -> Versions/Current/Python
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff   26 Jan 23 20:36 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources
drwxr-xr-x  4 blue  staff  136 Jan 23 20:36 Versions

/.../$ ls -l Versions/Current
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff  3 Jan 23 20:36 Versions/Current -> 3.5

/.../$ ls -l Versions/Current/
total 9856
-rwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff  5043488 Jan 23 20:36 Python
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  staff      102 Jan 23 20:36 Resources
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  staff      102 Jan 23 20:36 include
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  staff      102 Jan 23 20:36 lib

/.../$ ls -l Versions/3.5
total 9856
-rwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff  5043488 Jan 23 20:36 Python
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  staff      102 Jan 23 20:36 Resources
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  staff      102 Jan 23 20:36 include
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  staff      102 Jan 23 20:36 lib

# Identifying links with os.path.*(): isfile+islink (file), isdir+islink (dir)

/.../$ py3
>>> import os

>>> os.path.isfile('Python')
>>> os.path.isdir('Python')
>>> os.path.islink('Python')
>>> os.path.isfile('Versions/Current/Python')

>>> os.path.isfile('Resources')
>>> os.path.isdir('Resources')
>>> os.path.islink('Resources')
>>> os.readlink('Resources')
>>> os.path.isdir('Versions/Current/Resources')

>>> os.path.islink('Versions/Current'), os.path.isdir('Versions/Current')
(True, True)
>>> os.readlink('Versions/Current')
>>> os.listdir('Versions/Current')
['include', 'lib', 'Python', 'Resources']
>>> os.listdir('Versions/3.5')
['include', 'lib', 'Python', 'Resources']

# Alternative: lstat() [or stat(follow_symlinks=False in 3.3+]
# Neither returns True for file or dir if it's a symlink

# follow_symlinks is available in py 3.3+ only, where lstat is equivalent to
# os.stat(path, follow_symlinks=False), but lstat() is available in earlier pys;
# lstat() is an alias for stat() on platforms without symlinks;

# stat: item referenced (only - != os.path)

>>> for item in ('Resources', 'Python', 'Versions', 'pyconfig.h'):                                  
...     s = os.stat(item)                                                                           
...     print('%-10s' % item, stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode))
Resources  False True False
Python     True False False
Versions   False True False
pyconfig.h True False False

# lstat: link itself (in all Py)

>>> for item in ('Resources', 'Python', 'Versions', 'pyconfig.h'):                                  
...     s = os.lstat(item)                                                                          
...     print('%-10s' % item, stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode))
Resources  False False True
Python     False False True
Versions   False True False
pyconfig.h True False False

# stat(follow): link itself (where available)

>>> for item in ('Resources', 'Python', 'Versions', 'pyconfig.h'):                                  
...     s = os.stat(item, follow_symlinks=False)                                                   
...     print('%-10s' % item, stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode))
Resources  False False True
Python     False False True
Versions   False True False
pyconfig.h True False False

# Alternative: os.scandir()/DirEntry objects, available in py 3.5+ only
# With follow_symlinks=False, doesn't return True for file or dir if it's a symlink
# Without follow_symlinks, same as os.path.*()

>>> os.listdir('.')
['newfifo', 'newlink1', 'newlink2', 'newlink3', 'pyconfig.h', 'Python', 'Resources', 'Versions']

# same as os.path

>>> ds = os.scandir('.')
>>> for d in ds:
...     if[0] != 'n': 
...         print('%-10s' %, 
...             d.is_file(), d.is_dir(), d.is_symlink())
pyconfig.h True False False
Python     True False True
Resources  False True True
Versions   False True False

# same as os.lstat

>>> ds = os.scandir('.')
>>> for d in ds:
...     if[0] != 'n':
...         print('%-10s' %, 
...             d.is_file(follow_symlinks=False), d.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False), d.is_symlink()) 
pyconfig.h True False False
Python     False False True
Resources  False False True
Versions   False True False

# Copying links - same whether symlink links to file or dir

>>> os.symlink(os.readlink('Python'), 'newlink1')
>>> os.path.isfile('newlink1')
>>> os.path.isdir('newlink1')
>>> os.path.islink('newlink1')
>>> os.readlink('newlink1')

>>> os.symlink(os.readlink('Resources'), 'newlink2')
>>> os.path.isfile('newlink2')
>>> os.path.isdir('newlink2')
>>> os.path.islink('newlink2')
>>> os.readlink('newlink2')

# The folder contents with new links

/.../$ ls -l
total 32
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff   23 Jan 23 20:36 Python -> Versions/Current/Python
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff   26 Jan 23 20:36 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources
drwxr-xr-x  4 blue  staff  136 Jan 23 20:36 Versions
prw-r--r--  1 blue  staff    0 Jan 25 14:10 newfifo
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff   23 Jan 25 14:13 newlink1 -> Versions/Current/Python
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  staff   26 Jan 25 14:14 newlink2 -> Versions/Current/Resources

# Why you may care: 
# isfile() links will open the referenced file, not link (redundant copies?)

>>> os.path.isfile('Python')
>>> os.path.islink('Python')

>>> f = open('Python', 'rb')
>>> b =
>>> len(b)
>>> b[:70]
>>> b[-70:]
>>> os.readlink('Python')
>>> os.path.getsize('Versions/Current/Python')

# Why you may care: 
# isdir() links will yield listings of the referenced dir (redunant walks and copies?)
>>> os.path.isdir('Resources')
>>> os.path.islink('Resources')
>>> os.listdir('Resources')

>>> os.readlink('Resources')
>>> os.listdir('Versions/Current/Resources')

# Ditto for links to links

>>> os.path.islink('Versions/Current'), os.path.isdir('Versions/Current')
(True, True)
>>> os.readlink('Versions/Current')
>>> os.listdir('Versions/Current')
['include', 'lib', 'Python', 'Resources']
>>> os.listdir('Versions/3.5')
['include', 'lib', 'Python', 'Resources']

# Ditto for newly-created links - this is what the copies will look like 

>>> os.path.getsize('newlink1')
>>> os.listdir('newlink2')

# And fifos are not file, dir, or link in any (plus others? - mount points,... pass)

>>> os.mkfifo('newfifo')

>>> os.path.isfile('newfifo')
>>> os.path.isdir('newfifo')
>>> os.path.islink('newfifo')

>>> s = os.lstat('newfifo')
>>> print(stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode), stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode))
False False False

>>> ds = os.scandir('.')
>>> for d in ds:
...     print('%-10s' %, d.is_file(follow_symlinks=False), d.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False), d.is_symlink()) 
newfifo    False False False

# BUT symbolic links are not portable between Windows and Unix (if "/" or "\" in paths)
# See demo-3.0-windows-symlinks.txt for the Windows side of this story ("/" fails there)

>>> os.listdir('..')
['Python.framework', 'Tcl.framework', 'Tk.framework']

# Folder link

>>> os.symlink('../Tk.framework', 'uplink')        # Unix -> Unix okay
>>> os.readlink('uplink')
>>> os.listdir('uplink')
['libtkstub8.5.a', 'PrivateHeaders', 'Resources', 'Tk', '', 'Versions']

>>> os.symlink('../Tk.framework', 'uplink')
FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '../Tk.framework' -> 'uplink'
>>> os.remove('uplink')
>>> os.symlink(r'..\Tk.framework', 'uplink')       # Windows -> Unix fails
>>> os.readlink('uplink')
>>> os.listdir('uplink')
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'uplink'
TypeError: Required argument 'flags' (pos 2) not found

# File link

>>> open('../temp.txt', 'w').write('spam\n')
>>> os.remove('uplink')
>>> os.symlink(r'../temp.txt', 'uplink')           # Unix -> Unix okay
>>> os.readlink('uplink')
>>> open('uplink').read()
>>> os.remove('uplink')
>>> os.symlink(r'..\temp.txt', 'uplink')           # Windows -> Unix fails
>>> os.readlink('uplink')
>>> open('uplink').read()
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'uplink'

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