File: pymailgui-products/unzipped/PyMailGui-PP4E/TempParts/README-TempParts.txt

This folder contains temporarily-saved copies of email parts - both
main text and attachments - that you have opened in PyMailGUI.  This
folder is used for parts clicked; the Split option instead saves to 
a folder selected in the GUI.

This is a self-cleaning folder.  By default, its files are automatically
deleted by PyMailGUI at startup 30 day after their last modification date,
to minimize clutter and space usage.  See this package's top-level 
docetc/examples/ for this folder's content shipped 
with book PP4E.

If you wish to change the number of retention days or disable file 
pruning here altogether, see the "daysToRetainTempParts" setting in
file "" - the user configurations module.

Files here are intended to be temporary, and likely have no purpose
beyond an email session, but your usage may vary; it's possible that
they may serve as a limited email viewing history.  This README is
spared from automatic file reaping.

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