PyMailGUI: now with SSL and Gmail support

Mark Lutz lutz at
Tue Dec 15 21:43:49 EST 2015

A minor but crucial update to a system announced here a few days ago: the
PyMailGUI POP/SMTP email client now supports SSL modes on servers.  SSL is 
generally recommended by many servers, and required by some (e.g., Gmail).

Also in this update: a new config file for using the program with Gmail 
accounts; a new Linux screenshot; a minor patch to a patch for older 3.X 
libs; and additional book code imported only on rarely-used PyEdit actions.

The update:

The scene on Linux:

The original announcement:

> There is a new standalone release of PyMailGUI - a POP/SMTP email client
> which is a major example in a large Python book (shameless plug omitted). 
> This release's code is identical to that in the book, but has a different 
> launcher and a self-contained package structure for standalone use.
> PyMailGUI is a bit limited because it was written for use as a teaching 
> tool in a book.  On the other hand, it does threading, MIME attachments, 
> Unicode, and more, and is useful enough to have served as its author's 
> primary email tool for over a decade.  It may also reduce the probability
> of your email being read by a giant evil company without your consent.
> Screenshot:
> Docs:
> Code:
> Fetch:

Cheers again,
--M. Lutz,

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